Posts about general
- Mishandling Interviews
- The Tech Industry is Depressing
- Interview Pressure
- Command line 1Password
- Nikola v8 and Solarization
- Let's Get Scrappy
- Windows, getting better!
- Post migrations complete
- Windows Toolbox [Updated]
- DevOps Defined
- DevOps Described
- New Beginnings
- A New Lab
- CentOS7 Kickstart (or Network) Install Without PXE
- Ansiblefest, a struggled success?
- Command line speedtest
- Proxmox 3.X No Ctrl-Alt-R release ‘Spice’
- yEd graphing tool
- ssh-ident: Hello relatively painless ssh-agent
- Heartbleed and Automation
- Doing DevOps Wrong?!
- Would you hire her?
- More passion please
- Push, pull?
- The "Truth" about DevOps? - A startup perspective